If you are a public or private sector organisation our law states that you must have a privacy policy or statement in place, including your website terms of use.
We can help get these documents in order for you.
Changes to the Privacy Act came into force on 1st December 2020 and you are required to follow a strict set of rules when handling personal information. Your privacy policy and website terms must outline how you will be:
There are also different privacy rules to be included in your privacy policy for specific industries that you may need to be aware of.
If you hold information on your website about your users, you must have a website terms of use. This sets out how a visitor to your website should conduct themselves and what happens with their personal information while they are there. This is a legally binding contract between both parties.
It’s our goal to help your business be legally compliant with the Privacy Act amendments, and if anything goes wrong you have procedures in place.
We can work with you to:
Explore each part of your internal practices to ensure you are compliant
Provide you with website terms of use, so everyone can see that your company can be trusted with key personal data
Supply your business with a privacy policy manual that clearly outlines the steps to take if there is a data breach
Protect your business with the correct legal documentation, including your terms of trade
Our friendly Customer Service team are available to talk about your privacy requirements.
Call us today at 0800 324 768 or fill in the form and we will get in touch as soon as possible.
banger cam3. September, 2024.Lindsay and the team have been great to deal with and have done a great job with everything I need. I feel much more comfortable moving forward with all my term of trade being much more robust. Cheers CamSharlene Clement26. August, 2024.Lindsay has been a great help, easy to get hold of and work through out terms of trade with. Really appreciate everything Lindsay and the team and EC Credit Control have done for us, have recommended others to them and would recommend again.Ajay Singh7. August, 2024.excellent service 👏 I recommend every one to use this services 👍Sinclair Plumbing23. July, 2024.We have found Lindsay our account manager to be super helpful. We've just got our terms of trade all sorted and Lindsay was very accommodating when it came to going through them with us. As a business we definitely feel more in control now. Haven't used the debt collection side of things yet so can't comment on this part of EC Credit Control.Sian Whitehead15. July, 2024.Easy and friendly to deal with.Rosemary Francis27. June, 2024.Efficient team and very easy interface to use. Makes debt collection a breezeWolf Mach26. June, 2024.Fast and very efficient
Our business is NZ owned.
EC Credit Control (NZ) Ltd