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Slide We make your business protection a stress-free experience.

EC Credit Control is a full-service credit management agency that has helped over 80,000 business owners just like you. We work hard to improve businesses’ cash flow and provide a range of solutions to help your bottom line.  Our job is to help you mitigate risk, and ensure you have a robust onboarding system in place.  

Don’t miss out on your complimentary Terms and Conditions of Trade consultation. 

I'm Baz Woodcock, your Business Support Specialist for Wanganui

With over 25 years of experience in sales and customer advisory, the one thing I try and get right is the service side. Whether it be an accurate needs analysis or price and budget expectation. I believe in the Under Promise / Over Deliver concept. I’m yet to meet a client that didn’t appreciate receiving more than they anticipated.

Let’s have a chat about how I can help your business.

Request your complimentary consultation now.

Having robust Terms & Conditions of Trade is really important. With a free consultation, we will:

Being based locally, I’m available to pop over to your office, meet at a local cafe or talk over the phone/video.

Fill in your details and I’ll be in touch within a day to arrange a suitable time.

Ways we can help you.

See how we have helped other businesses: