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What does the Xero connection do?

Good question. We have listened to our Clients who told us that they wanted the process of loading a best to be more simple and streamlined.

This makes perfect sense as our Clients are business-owners who are often time poor and therefore want a quick and efficient process to enable loading debts and improving their all-important cash-flow.

We then set about interfacing with Xero to enable our mutual customers to load debts with just a few clicks. This means that Clients can get back to the core activity of their business while we do our best to collect their overdues.

The Xero connection enables the EC Credit Control portal to display a list of the Clients overdue invoices. The Client can then select any or all of those invoices and load them for collection with just a few clicks. As part of this process we grab a pdf copy of the invoice from Xero and store it on our file. This allows us to see exactly what the debt is for which helps with our conversations with the debtor and also means we can supply the debtor with a copy of the invoice without bugging the client – not having a copy of the invoice is an excuse often used for why the debt hasn’t been paid.

This means that we can start our collection process quicker, ask for less information from the client and more comprehensively communicate with the debtor which all has a positive impact on the goal of collecting the money as soon as possible.

From a data flow perspective it works like this:

EC Credit Control Xero
Clients Organisation
Debts (Vouchers) Invoices
Debtors Contacts